My last reminiscences about Nevis, see Part 1 - Part 2 and Part 3; here are a few more photos taken during our holiday.

Vance W. Amory International Airport on Nevis. It is only used for private aircraft, the main international flights all flying into the Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport on the neighbouring island of St Kitts, just a couple of miles across the water! When you land there, it is necessary to get a speedboat (fast, expensive but damp) or ferry (slow, cheaper but infrequent) to take you to Nevis.
Built in 1778, the Bath Hotel was once a playground for the rich and famous who came to Nevis to take in the hot spring baths. With the downturn of the sugar industry, Nevis stepped into the world of tourism with this hotel, which flourished for about 60 years. Since then the hotel has had various uses, reopening as a hotel from 1912 until 1940. It was used as a training centre for the West Indian regiment during World War II, and most recently, the temporary headquarters of the Nevis police, while the new station was built. (the old one was burnt down, I think, in mysterious circumstances!)

An old, but now restored, cannon from the 17th or 18th century! This would either have been a part of the island's defences during one of the many wars in that era, or a cannon left behind after refitting of a visiting warship.
The royal cypher of one of the English kings named George. (GR stands for George Rex in Latin). There were three Georges in that era and I would guess this is the cypher for George III, who reigned in Great Britain between 1760 and 1820
View across to Nevis Peak; see part 2 for info on the old volcano.
Amazing views looking across to St Kitts.
Relaxing pool fed from volcanic hot springs. While we were there, we had a couple of dips in the therapeutic waters; temperature varies slightly from day to day, but on those days it was 44°C (111°F)! Not easy to get into, but once submerged to neck level, we managed to stay in for at least 5 minutes !!
Further information on the pool.
and some of the history - 108°F seems to be an understatement - perhaps it's global warming!
It was interesting for us to see a couple of baobab trees on the island. We are of course fairly used to them in some areas of Africa. Both trees looked as if they had been inexpertly cut down or cut back at some stage long ago, as they had a number of branches growing out of the base. Generally they have one big and thick trunk, sometimes many metres in circumference. Branches normally grow from the trunk a long way above the ground.
Here you can see the thick base at the bottom, with a number of branches growing out of it.
The pod from the baobab contains pips that are slightly sour and acidic. They can be used as a replacement for cream of tartar. The baobab is sometimes called a cream of tartar tree.
Driving to our next destination, we had to beware of goats wandering into the road; a common hazard. Also, just take a look at that frizzy wiring - scary stuff!!! But a note of progress - notice that solar panel on the bus stop roof!
Just off the main road are the ruins of New River-Coconut Walk Estates.
The tall boiler chimney is very visible, and the lower building housed the old steam engine. In the 17th century, the sugar processing machines were driven by animal power, but the industrial revolution eventually arrived here 150 years later! This suger production facility remained in operation until 1958—the last one on the island.
Underground, a mysterious space....
Machinery, bits of cane crushing rollers perhaps...
More cane-crushing machinery, now protected under a smart new corrugated iron roof. Restoration work on this site has partly been funded by the EU.
Nearby offices are sadly in a bad state of disrepair. The circular columns, stone arches and ceilings are quite elaborate for this industrial development, but a testament to the skills of expatriate British and local craftsmen!
This was the magnificent view that we saw daily from our friends' house, looking over to St Kitts!
I think this is an atmospheric optical phenomenon know as a "sun dog". We were all lying by the pool when this was suddenly spotted.
To finish on an ornithological note, this is my collage of a brown pelican taking a dive into the sea to fish for its dinner!
I have a new blog purely for our feathered friends which is HERE
Also see my daily diary HERE